The Honey Directory | De Winkel Yoghurt

The Honey Directory

New Zealand bees collect nectar from native trees like Mānuka, Kāmahi, Pōhutukawa, Rewarewa, Rātā and Tāwari, to make some of the world’s most unique and delicious honeys, which match so well with De Winkel yoghurt.

Differences in climate, soil types and flora across New Zealand means we also have some amazing regional honeys. Whether it’s Mānuka honey from the Coromandel, or white clover honey from Canterbury, or Tāwari from the North Island’s East Coast, there are so many delicious honeys to try.

Our bees are also important pollinators of the fruit that we love to pair with De Winkel yoghurt. We think eating honey is a great way to support beekeepers who work so hard to look after our bees. Here are some of the delicious New Zealand honeys you could try:

Clover: Everyone’s favourite childhood honey, clover is mild and clean in flavour. It comes in both creamed and liquid forms, with the creamed form known for its ‘fudge-like’ texture and being perfect for spreading on toast.

Kāmahi: This is a rich, sweet honey with a buttery finish that matches well with cheeses. It is mostly produced on the West Coast of the South Island.

Kānuka: This is a close relative of the more famous Mānuka and has a similar colour and flavour. It has an ‘earthy’ taste with a toffee-type finish.

Mānuka: New Zealand’s most well-known honey has a distinctive mineral or woody flavour with toffee notes. It is a wonderful addition to hot drinks or baking.

Pōhutukawa: Made from New Zealand’s own Christmas tree, pōhutukawa has a butterscotch type flavour and a slightly salty taste. This honey is the taste of a New Zealand summer at the beach.

Rātā: One of the sweetest of New Zealand’s honeys, Rātā has an almost lime flavour.

Rewarewa: Made from the New Zealand honeysuckle flower, rewarewa has a rich, malty flavour and is a great natural sweetener for teas.

Tāwari: This honey has been described as being like ‘white chocolate melting off the tongue’. Sweet and delicious, Tāwari is a wonderful topping for desserts or yoghurt.

Thyme: This honey has a strong, herbal taste and works well with savoury dishes. It comes from thyme crops grown in Central Otago.